Sunday, February 17, 2008

Assignment #5-Iceberg Writing Style

Hoover and Clyde at the Mayflower

EXT. Mayflower Hotel-NOON

OPEN TO the hot pool deck of the Washington Mayflower Hotel during the early 1970s. The pool is very crowded, with sunbathing girls and families enjoying their vacation at the nation’s capital by playing in the pool. Off to the side, Septuagenarian FBI director J. EDGAR HOOVER and his septuagenarian right-hand-man CLYDE TOLSON are sitting on a table close to the pool’s bar, both sporting heavy three-piece wool suit. CLYDE is half-interestedly reading through The Racing Form papers while HOOVER is busy sipping on his drink while staring vacantly into the distance. The sun is beating above them unrelentingly.

(Mumbles incoherently)
‘sahot day


…’s hot…

CLYDE doesn’t respond, or even look up from his racing form. HOOVER’s eyes scan across the pool deck, looking amongst the crowd. He looks towards the towel boy, a young man at the bar laughing raucously and finally his eyes linger at a family of four in the pool and he squints. The mother is laughing as she watches her husband throw her son up in the air and into the water, the girl shrieks as the water splashes onto her face. The father laughs loudly, and then looks towards HOOVER for a moment, then back to his family. HOOVER makes a grunting noise, quickly reaches into his briefcase and pulls out a small note pad and scribbles something onto it.

At the other side of the pool GRAHAM BARNHILL, a young FBI agent dressed in a suit, hurriedly walks into the deck area holding in his hand a manila envelope. He glances around until he sees HOOVER and CLYDE and walks quickly towards the table where they are sitting.

Excuse me…Mr. Hoover?

HOOVER and CLYDE ignores GRAHAM. GRAHAM shifts his legs uncomfortably then asks again.

Excuse me…Mr. Hoover? The head offices told me to give this to you. A top priority.

HOOVER finally looks up and grabs the folder without making eye contact with GRAHAM. He signs the invoice and gives it back to the young agent, and then hands the folder to CLYDE who opens it up and pulls out the large sum of money inside and counts it. HOOVER goes back to staring at the family, who is now all collectively trying to dunk the father.
GRAHAM doesn’t leave, instead he nervously picks his ear.

Thank you.
Uh…Mr. Hoover? There is something that I would like to say.

HOOVER’s face contorts to a grimace as GRAHAM nervously rushes through the introduction that he obviously rehearsed in his mind about a thousand times.

Hello I am Graham Barnhill and I would like to say that I just recently joined the FBI and I must say sir that I think it is great what you are doing for our country it is a complete honor to meet you in person sir and…uh..I must say that you are the reason why I joined in the first place and-um-I think it is very great what you are doing for your country and that it is an honor to serve you.

HOOVER looks up at GRAHAM and studies his face. Then, after a moment, HOOVER gets up from his seat and reaches out his hand.

Yes. Thank you for your support, young man.

A smile lights up on GRAHAM’s face and he thanks HOOVER again, then he rushes off. HOOVER disgustedly wipes his hand on his suit.


HOOVER watches GRAHAM as he walks away, and then pulls his pen out of his pocket and writes on his pad again.

Melvin Purvis’s name is crossed out with red ink.


CLYDE, now done counting the money, puts the money from the envelope into his coat pocket, catches from the corner of his eye shirtless, 20-something POOL BOY walking out of a changing room. He is wearing tight swimming trunks and has a taught, muscular body.


HOOVER looks up from the note pad and looks towards CLYDE. CLYDE makes eye contact and nods his head over towards the POOL BOY.

Remind you of something?

CLYDE smirks while HOOVER looks over at the POOL BOY, who is fishing a giant clump of hair out of the pool’s filter. HOOVER looks CLYDE into the eyes, and lets out a light, nostalgic laugh.

Oh my-
Yes. Oh my

Both HOOVER and CLYDE lightly chuckle at the boy, and then the laughter subsides as they lock into eye contact with each other. As HOOVER and CLYDE stares intensely into each other’s eyes, HOOVER bites his lip. CLYDE beams.

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